Template includes 120+ fonts, with the possibility to set the different font for each position of the module or for each block of module positions
This is ABeeZee font
This is Abel font
This is Abril Fatface font
This is Advent Pro font
This is Alegreya Sans font
This is Alegreya Sans SC font
This is Allura font
This is Amaranth font
This is Antic Slab font
This is Anton font
This is Arbutus Slab font
This is Archivo Narrow font
This is Arial font
This is Arima Madurai font
This is Arimo font
This is Arvo font
This is Asap Condensed font
This is BenchNine font
This is Berkshire Swash font
This is Bitter font
This is Bowlby One font
This is Bree Serif font
This is Coda font
This is Comic Sans MS font
This is Oswald font
This is Oxygen font
This is PT Sans font
This is PT Sans Narrow font
This is PT Serif font
This is Pacifico font
This is Passion One font
This is Pathway Gothic One font
This is Lora font
This is Marcellus SC font
This is Merriweather font
This is Michroma font
This is News Cycle font
This is Niconne font
This is Noto Serif font
This is Nunito Sans font
This is Oleo Script font
This is Open Sans font
This is Open Sans Condensed font
This is Cookie font
This is Courgette font
This is Courier font
This is Crimson Text font
This is Cuprum font
This is Dancing Script font
This is Didact Gothic font
This is Dosis font
This is Droid Sans font
This is Droid Serif font
This is Encode Sans Condensed font
This is Encode Sans Expanded font
This is Exo 2 font
This is Fira Sans font
This is Fira Sans Condensed font
This is Fjalla One font
This is Georgia font
This is Great Vibes font
This is Patua One font
This is Paytone One font
This is Philosopher font
This is Playball font
This is Playfair Display font
This is Poiret One font
This is Poller One font
This is Pontano Sans font
This is Poppins font
This is Prosto One font
This is Questrial font
This is Quicksand font
This is Rajdhani font
This is Raleway font
This is Rambla font
This is Righteous font
This is Roboto font
This is Roboto Condensed font
This is Roboto Slab font
This is Sans-Serif font
This is Saira font
This is Saira Condensed font
This is Saira Extra Condensed font
This is Saira Semi Condensed font
This is Sanchez font
This is Satisfy font
This is Shrikhand font
This is Sintony font
This is Slabo 27px font
This is Source Sans Pro font
This is Tahoma font
This is Tangerine font
This is Teko font
This is Times, Serif font
This is Titillium Web font
This is Ubuntu font
This is Ubuntu Condensed font
This is Verdana font
This is Yanone Kaffeesatz font
This is Helvetica font
This is Hind font
This is Indie Flower font
This is Josefin Sans font
This is Josefin Slab font
This is Julius Sans One font
This is Kurale font
This is Lato font
This is Libre Baskerville font
This is Libre Franklin font
This is Limelight font
This is Lobster font
This is Lobster Two font